Culinary and Culture

On such a small space, in a country full of contrasts, you will be fascinated by a diversity of culture. Rich cultural heritage is made of remains of different cultures since Montenegro was on a crossroads of two great civilizations – Eastern and Western, on which territory have existed and still exist 3 big religions: Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim. The richness of cultural heritage is seen through cultural and historical monuments, remains of large and important objects, preserved customs and religion.

In Montenegro, the local cuisine has a lot of national dishes, which are not all entirely of Montenegrin origin. You can come across Italian, Turkish and Greek cuisine and even familiar items like hamburgers. Regardless of where the influence comes, you can expect fresh, organic, local source foods in so many places across the country. For cooking and baking bread, most Montenegrin restaurants use sac (the large metal lid in the form of a shallow bell, which is covered with ash and hot coals). Being close to the sea, Montenegro has a lot of fish and seafood dishes. Drying fish is a traditional practice for Montenegro. Meat is just as popular as fish in Montenegro and becomes the more common choice when you venture inland. By the way, olive oil is an essential ingredient of the seafood cuisine especially along the coast because of the olive trees found along the coastline. In Montenegro, baklava often has raisins and finely chopped walnuts. The Montenegrin’s version of a doughnut is called krofne, served with jam or chocolate in the middle. Another thing worth trying if done right is the krempita. This cream layered cake is popular in regions of the Balkans.